
City of Zanesville
The City of Zanesville provides financial support to the Port Authority and is an integral partner in the the execution of Port activities.

Muskingum County
Muskingum County provides financial support to the Port Authority and is an integral partner in the the execution of Port activities.

Zanesville-Muskingum County Chamber of Commerce
The Zanesville-Muskingum County Chamber of Commerce is a membership association for local businesses. The Chamber provides services to its members that help promote their products and services and reduce operating costs.

Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention & Visitor's Bureau
The Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention & Visitors Bureau promotes our community to visitors and tourists.

Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority
The MCCFA (Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority) owns, operates, and manages the Muskingum County Welcome Center and other developing properties.

Mid-East Ohio Building Department
The Mid East Ohio Building Department, located in downtown Zanesville, is a one-stop shop for commercial and industrial building plan approvals and inspections in a five-county area.

Ohio Southeast (OhioSE)
Ohio Southeast is the JobsOhio partner for Southern, Eastern and Southeastern Ohio, serving 25 rural counties. The prime focus is on retaining existing jobs and accelerating business growth to spur job creation and investment in the region.

Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association
The Ohio Mid East Government Association (OMEGA) is a collaborative body of member governments that serves as a facilitator between state and federal government agencies and local entities to provide opportunities in economic and community development through networking, education, planning, research, and allocation of resources.

Eastern Ohio Development Alliance
The Eastern Ohio Development Alliance (EODA) is an independent, nonprofit organization, consisting of sixteen counties in Eastern and Southeastern Ohio. EODA promotes business development/marketing, education/technology, governmental affairs/public relations, SBDC, membership, and nominating.

Jobs Ohio
JobsOhio is a private non-profit corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention, and expansion efforts. For innovative companies, the decision to locate and expand operations is a strategic one. The challenge is finding a location where companies have access to a predictable business environment, skilled labor pool, integrated infrastructure and scale-up opportunities. JobsOhio is able to assist in all aspects of this process.

Ohio Development Services Agency
The Ohio Development Service Agency (ODSA) is committed to creating jobs and building strong communities, while ensuring accountability and transparency of taxpayer money and exceptional customer service.

ODOT Jobs & Commerce
The Ohio Department of Transportation's Jobs & Commerce division is a rapid-response team dedicated to helping Ohioans go to work by providing transportation infrastructure and project management assistance to the State’s businesses and communities. Regional managers work with economic development and transportation professionals to enable transportation projects with job retention or expansion impacts.

TechGrowth Ohio
TechGROWTH Ohio is a $67 million public-private partnership composed of the Ohio Third Frontier program, Ohio University and the private investment community. It is one of the regional entrepreneurial service provider programs funded by Ohio Third Frontier to provide business expertise, services and investments for startup companies in the 19-county Southeastern Ohio area. As one of the premier programs of the Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, TechGROWTH Ohio is part of an entrepreneurial ecosystem that includes programs supporting university and regional technology commercialization and small business incubation.