Frequently Asked Questions



Zanesville and Muskingum County are not located on a deep water port, so we often receive the question:

“What exactly IS a Port Authority?”

Additionally, the Zanesville Muskingum County Port Authority (ZMCPA) is the administrative agent for the Muskingum County Transportation Improvement District (TID).

These acronyms can be confusing, so here are answers to some frequently asked questions.


Q: What is a Port Authority?

A: In Ohio, Port Authorities are quasi-governmental entities created by political subdivisions under Ohio Revised Code Section 4582.

In the case of the Zanesville Muskingum County Port Authority (ZMCPA), the Port Authority is jointly formed by the city and county.

Q: What do Port Authorities do?

A: Ohio law provides for Port Authorities to construct facilities, issue bonds, make loans, and sell or buy real property. Their functions may also include operating airports, river ports, lake ports, and owning railroad lines. Port authorities also possess many powers similar to other local governments in Ohio.

In Muskingum County, our main goals are developing industrial and commercial property; managing enterprise zones; serving as sources of bond financing for intergovernmental, civic, non-profit, and commercial development projects; and administering community and economic development programs.

Q: How are Port Authorities structured?

A: Port Authorities are governed by a board of directors appointed by elected officials of the local government(s). Port authority boards vary in size and board composition. The board adopts bylaws providing for the administration and governance of the port authority.

The ZMCPA Board of Directors consists of five members – two county appointees, two city appointees, and one joint appointee.

Q: Who oversees Port Authorities?

A: Port Authorities fall under a variety of checks and balances. The Auditor of State is responsible for auditing Port Authorities and publishing audit findings every two years. The records of Port Authorities are treated as public records (except certain confidential business data) and Port Authority board meetings are made open to the public under Ohio’s open meetings act.

Q: What is the Port Authority’s Public Records & Retention Policy?

A: Click HERE to view the full copy of the ZMCPA’s Public Records & Retention Policy.

Q: What is a Transportation Improvement District?

A: In Ohio, TID’s are created by a board of County Commissioners for the purpose of coordinating and financing transportation infrastructure improvement programs, particularly road construction projects, under Ohio Revised Code Section 5540.

Q: What do TIDs do?

A:TIDs are mechanisms to raise revenue for repair of roads, highways, and bridges within a defined geographic area, in our case, Muskingum County. Districts are governed by a board of directors whose job is to identify priority improvements, oversee financing, construction, maintenance, and repair of highways and roads.

In Muskingum County, our main goals are developing infrastructure projects that support new and expansion economic development projects, improving existing roadways to create safer conditions for employees, upgrading outdated infrastructure, and building access routes that improve safety.

Q: How are TIDs structured?

A: TIDS are governed by a board of directors appointed by elected officials of the local government(s). TID boards vary in size and board composition. The board adopts bylaws providing for the administration and governance of the transportation improvement district.

The TID Board of Directors consists of five members appointed by the Muskingum County Commissioners and they serve two year terms.

Q: Who oversees TIDs?

A: TIDs fall under a variety of checks and balances. The Auditor of State is responsible for auditing Transportation Improvement Districts and publishing audit findings every two years. The records of TIDs are treated as public records (except certain confidential business data) and TID board meetings are made open to the public under Ohio’s open meetings act.

Q: Where does TID project funding come from?

A: The primary sources of project funding assistance utilized by the Muskingum County Transportation Improvement District are the Ohio Department of Jobs & Commerce and ODOT.

Over the past 10 years, the Muskingum County TID has received nearly $2,500,000.00 in the form of grants. All of these funds are directed toward improving Muskingum County’s economy, through infrastructure upgrades and additions.

Q: What is the TID’s Public Records & Retention Policy?

A: The TID follows the Public Records & Retention Policy of the ZMCPA. Click HERE to view the full copy of the Port Authority’s Public Records & Retention Policy.